building science

innovations that blur the lines between quality and cost.

While construction technologies have come a long way in the last century, the vast majority of the industry still builds in a manner virtually unchanged for 70 years. We leverage the latest in building science research and technology to create safe, sound, low-impact buildings. Our focus is offering more of what humans need to not only survive, but thrive.


We ensure that our spaces are designed to keep you comfortable without running up the energy bill. Floor plan, glazing, overhangs, insulation technique, water and air-sealing, and mechanical system design all have impact on the energy demands of a building. We meticulously consider every detail to ensure maximum efficiency. Our houses aim for Passive House (PHIUS) levels of performance.


We leverage precision-engineered, light-gauge steel framing for our full scale homes. This not only greatly increases the lifespan of the house, but reduces build time and cost. Steel Framing is :

  • Dimensionally stable

  • Termite proof & moisture resistant

  • Fire resistant

  • Sustainable over the lifespan of the house

  • Ultra low waste & recyclable



In most cases, our structures leverage innovative pin-piles and beam -grid foundations that minimize environmental impact, reduce cost, reduce build time, and increase building longevity. We greatly reduce the need for expensive and environmentally taxing concrete-poured foundations.